Wednesday, March 29, 2006


The next big one

I haven't been blogging lately because I've been out of town. I'm currently in Sacramento, and although I'm briefly returning home tomorrow, but then I'll be away from home for the next couple of weeks. I'm envious of bloggers who can keep posting when they're travelling; I wish I could. Nevertheless, I'll try to post things here and there. Like this:

A friend of mine recently pointed me to an article in this month's National Geographic on earthquakes titled The Next Big One. You can read an excerpt of at the link. It looks to be a pretty nice article, and they certainly talk to some of the people at the cuttings edge of earthquake research (Mark Zoback, a geolophysicist at Stanford, Bill Ellsworth, a seismologist with the USGS, Bob Nadeau, a seismologist with Berkeley's Seismological Lab, and the venerable Kerry Sieh, an icon of earthquake-related geology from Cal Tech). My friend was kind enough to loan me her copy, and once I've read through it in detail I'll post my thoughts.

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