Thursday, November 09, 2006


Photos and lecture preparation

One of the things about teaching that I'm coming to appreciate is the amount of time it takes to put a lecture together. I've put a fair number of talks together during my short career, but that's different than putting together three 50 minute lectures per week. I've been posting my lectures online so my students can download them and hopefully treasure and reread them for years to come (who knows, it could happen). I'm also trying to be respectful of copyrights. I've come across a few photo collections that have been very helpful:

USGS Photo LIbrary

BLM Abandoned Mine Lands (ALM)

Earth Science World Image Bank

USGS Fact Sheets

Photos by Bruce Railsback

The Geo-Images Project

NOAA Photo Library

If any readers know of other good collections I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know.


Blogs and the Department of the Interior

I got the chance to catch up with a friend who works for the USGS today. Since he's far more knowledgeable about stresses in the crust than I am I asked if he'd comment on my posts about the earthquake in Hawaii. He was willing, but apparently the DOI wasn't. When he tried to visit this blog he was redirected to a page that notified him that visiting blogs wasn't allowed (I suspect any URL with blogspot in it is flagged). He was kind enough to submit a request that The Western Geologist be added to an approved list of websites. We'll see what happens.

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